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中国人民大学 王湘红教授:Absolute Amount or Relative proportion? A Study of Income Allocation

作者:西南财经大学    发布:2017-04-28   


主题:Absolute Amount or Relative proportion? A Study of Income Allocation





主办单位:经济学院 实验与行为经济研究中心 科研处


王湘红,在美国卡耐基梅隆大学获公共政策与管理博士学位,师从著名行为经济学家Linda Babcock和George Loewenstein。曾在美国SAS Institute Inc.任计量经济师。主要教学和研究方向为行为和实验经济学,工资政策,消费行为,公共政策等。研究论文曾发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics,《世界经济》,《金融研究》等国际国内学术刊物上。曾获国际冲突管理协会年会最佳论文奖。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目。任国际行为经济学促进学会中国区代表,世界经济论坛全球日程委员会行为分会理事。


This study examines the framing effect of relative proportion versus absolute amount in income allocation in ultimatum game. The hypothesis is that both absolute amount and proportion matter in allocation decisions, but they are weighted differently according to total endowment and allocation methods. We design an ultimatum game experiment conducted using the WeChat platform where two people allocate a given endowment between them. Participants are randomly divided into two treatment groups and three different endowment levels. In the control group, allocation proposal between a pair is measured in absolute amount. In the treatment group, allocation proposal is indicated as a proportion of their total endowment. We examine in the ultimatum game how proposers’ offer decisions and receivers’ acceptance decisions are affected by the proposal treatment and endowment levels. We find that the proportion treatment increases average proposed offer. In particular, proposed amount is increased by the treatment in the high endowment condition, not in the medium and high endowment conditions. The treatment may enhance participants’ awareness of fair sharing. These findings have important implications for many cases of income distribution such as wage allocation, public good contribution, and tax distribution.