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Trade and Nonconvergence of Middle Income Countries

作者:西部商学院    发布:2017-05-18   

Title:Trade and Nonconvergence of Middle Income Countries

Speaker:Yong Wang,AssociateProfessor, Peking University

Host:Han Li, Professor, RIEM

Time:10:00-12:00, May 19, Friday

Venue:C204, Liulin Campus

Abstract:We develop a tractable growth model to show how a middleincome country (M) can be sandwiched by an innovating north country (N) and an imitating south country (S) through international trade. An increase in labor productivity of existing varieties (intensive margin) or in the number of varieties (extensive margin) produced in S may result in nonconvergence of M to N, but this chasing effect from S disappears when S is sufficiently unproductive. Meanwhile, an increase in innovation in N not only enlarges the income gap between N and M (pressing effect from N) but also makes M more vulnerable to the chasing effect from S. We characterize how M should optimally allocate its resources between production and R&D to respond to the chasing effect from S and pressing effect from N.


王勇,北京大学新结构经济学研究中心创始成员之一、副主任(主管学术)、经济学副教授、博导。芝加哥大学经济系博士,师从Myerson, Becker, Hansen, Lucas等四位诺贝尔奖得主。同时任教于香港科技大学经济系。2010-2011学年担任世界银行常驻研究员。世行、亚开行、美联储的咨询专家。研究领域为经济增长、宏观发展与贸易、政治经济学、中国与印度经济等。最近研究包括结构转型、产业升级与产业政策、中等收入陷阱、内生性宏观政策、国企改革、中美贸易与汇率等。在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics等国内外学术期刊发表论文十余篇。担任China Economic Review特约编辑。曾主持中财办委托的研究课题,并应邀在国际货币基金组织、世界银行、美国国务院、美国财政部、美国国际贸易委员会、美联储、亚洲开发银行与韩国金融研究所等政策机构介绍自己的研究和政策建议。曾获芝加哥大学经济系博士资格考试价格理论第一名(Martin and Margaret Lee奖)、香港科技大学商学院Franklin最佳教学奖等。